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How to send Bitcoin to family in another country?

Bitcoin is called “Digital Gold” “The people’s money” and in its early days they called it “internet money”.  Here we look at how you can send it to family in another country.  Go to a Neutral ATM location.  Save it on your wallet.  It you don’t have a wallet we can give you one from our ATM.  Get the wallet address from your family member and transfer the Bitcoin into their wallet.  No Western Union fees no 4 to 7-day delay.  It takes a few minutes and it is less expensive.  Plus, the value of Bitcoin has gone from $.003 USD to $12,000 USD in 11 years recently.  It is expected to rise later in 2020 much higher.
No central bank can control bitcoin.  It is uncorrelated to all global central banks.  No Government or dictator can affect your Bitcoin.  It’s similarity to Gold is because it becomes more scarce meaning there is less of it to buy, every four years.  Every four years Bitcoin has a halving whereby, the supply of Bitcoin is cut in half.  This year we had a halving on May 11th.  We are getting very close to seeing the price growth of Bitcoin accelerate.  We have to keep watching to see how the election and the upcoming stimulus package will impact the stock market.  We expect stocks to keep struggling and the expected Bitcoin decoupling from the stock market would have to be confirmed.  Too early, but it is looking good so far.  The variables going on right now make it hard to project where Bitcoin will go short term, after the election this will clear up somewhat.  Use Neutral ATM to buy your Bitcoin, the people’s money.                                                                                                                  
Neutral ATM  (inside Texas Gun Club)                                                                                                                            206 Brand Lane                                                                                                                      Stafford, TX 77477