Eventually, when the bull run finally ends Bitcoin will have a blow off top. Neutral ATM believes this will be sometime in 2022. We’re too far away from that right now, it could be late 2021. We have to follow the price action and what the charts are telling us going forward. We always look left on the chart, we don’t let emotion into the equation. However, what we are pointing out now is that whenever the blow off top does happen, the Alt Coins will start to rally. Neutral ATM treats Alt Coins with kid gloves and only owns a small percentage of Ethereum at this time. At this point, ETH is not to be considered an Alt Coin anymore. It is following Bitcoin up this week. ETH is up 6% today so far. We like ETH because it is mainstream Defi (Decentralized Finance) and many Defi coins use the ETH platform. We view ETH similar to an ETF for Defi. It is not as risky as the younger, lower cap Alt Coins. It coorelates well with Bitcoin. We view it as a safer bet at this time than the low cap Alt Coins. There is one Alt Coin we are studying that shows promise. It is not very well known. It is called Theta. When individuals have excess bandwith for streaming online they can receive Theta tokens and run an open node to collect those tokens. See support@thetatoken.org. Theta recently received a patent for decentralized data streaming that ensures Theta tokenholders remain central to the Theta ecosystem. Plus Theta operates on the blockchain just like Bitcoin, which as we have discussed in other blogs, is the most secure network in the world. Theta is similar in price to XRP but has greater upside. Neutral ATM is watching Theta. If we get close to the Bitcoin blow off top moving some assets over to Theta as well as Ethereum appears prudent. We do not suggest moving all assets from Bitcoin to these other coins. The risk is too high. 1% to 15% maximum. We are about minimizing risk exposure as well as having long term gains. Neutral ATM trusts Bitcoin. Alt Coins can be very risky. Right now we are just watching Theta, we own NONE of it. We can tell you that buying Bitcoin at a Neutral ATM to use to acquire Theta is being done now at our ATM’s. Bitcoin can be used to transfer to any Alt Coin. Neutral ATM only invests in Bitcoin and Etheruem. Neutral ATM is here to get everyone off of zero Bitcoin.
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