For many years now, a single global currency has been bantered about. The Economist cover from 1988:
CBDC (central bank digital currency) will likely be that currency. For now. However, Bitcoin is making some noise. We are NOT saying it will be global reserve currency by a certain date. This will take an unknown amount of time. Eventually, yes we think it can become global reserve currency. When? We cannot say.
We know that by the 2024 miner reward halving, Bitcoin will be the scarcest asset on Earth. We also know Russia has allowed Bitcoin to be used to pay for Oil shipments by trading partners deemed friendly to Russia. There are 7 countries now, that have made Bitcoin legal tender (El Salvador, Ukraine), or are voting on that soon (Honduras, Malaysia, Mexico, Paraguay, Argentina). This next chart shows us where CPI is trending:
Thanks to Will Clemente for the above chart. Keep in mind the scarcity context of Bitcoin. Then observe this chart where futures contracts are asking today, for $45K to $48K Bitcoin:
Thanks again to Will Clemente for this chart.
This next chart considers the adoption curve of Bitcoin which is well above that of the internet. Bitcoin is owned by 15% of the world’s population. 10 years ago it was less than 1%. Based on what cell phones and the internet did with their adoption curves, it is a safe bet that by 2032, 90% of the worlds population will own Bitcoin. At least, close to that. When demand and the adoption curve are that strong for a new technology price capitulation is inevitable. This chart explains that when futures turn, HODLers and the price action will follow:
Thanks to Willie Woo for this chart. This next chart shows how Bitcoin was flirting with $44K, and today 3/25/22, it has broken $45K. Here is the current breakout:
With an adoption curve that will take at least 20 years to play out (see Apple, Microsoft), investors have to be patient with Bitcoin. Yes it is volatile, but the capitulation to the upside happens everytime, we just don’t know exactly when. We expect a capitulation from short sellers soon! Watch for Bitcoin to break $46K, that is the key level to prove as support. It is playing out now. With that in mind, don’t worry about Bitcoin price action over short time periods, think in decades, because that is the adoptioin curves time frame:
We have sent a few chart demonstrating this theory. Three touch points before the next leg up for Bitcoin. See this chart below:
Bitcoin is set up for the next stair step up. Will it begin in early April, next week? We cannot say, but it appears eminent. Too much inflation and currency seizure for the adoption curve of Bitcoin not to force seller capitulation. So stay patient, keep buying up and stacking this scarce asset as fast as possible. It is up 700% since the pandemic started and we can easily see Bitcoin doubling or tripling before year end. To that end we can see in the chart below how US Bitcoin ATM’s lead the world in adoption. Let’s hope US lawmakers allow this technology to do what it does best. Eat all other assets standing in its way as its scarcity increases with each halving:
We are not financial advisors and this is not financial advise. Bitcoin is not waiting for anyone. It is the best hard money technology that solves the seizure and cencorship problems the world is seeing daily with Fiat Currency. In the end, we know Bitcoin will win. Keep your coins offline. Remember, and calix for Bitcoin only laptops. It is not expensive or hard to keep Bitcoin offline and hold the keys yourself. It is common sense.
Neutral ATM is here to get everyone off of zero Bitcoin.
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